
how to react after the earthquake

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Modified: 15 April 2018, 1:43 PM   User: Flavius Ciuclea  → FC


What to do AFTER the earthquake

Put into practice your pre-earthquake plan

1. Vacate the building from the stairwell after you hang up the switches of electricity, gas and water, wear suitable for the era clothes and shoes and take with you the emergency supplies that you consider necessary.

2. Try not to use your phone or your car without a serious reason. The phone lines must remain available for people that might have more important problems and roads should be as much car-free as they can be.

3. Try to reach an area nearby preferably open and safe (park, square, etc.) away from the facades of buildings or other dangerous places.

4. Be ready for possible aftershocks. The aftershocks after an earthquake can also cause damage to buildings.

5. Help your fellow citizens in need. Do not carry the heavily injured, unless there is an added risk of injury. Inform the responsible authorities (Police, Fire Department, National Emergency Aid Centre)

Danai Anastasiadou, Konstantinos Xantinidis, Grigorios Hatziandreou, Natalia Farmaki, Ioanna Velei



When the shaking stops, look around. If there is a clear path to safety, leave the building and go to an open space away from damaged areas.

If you are trapped, do not move about or kick up dust.

If you have a cell phone with you, use it to call or text for help.

Tap on a pipe or wall or use a whistle, if you have one, so that rescuers can locate you.

Once safe, monitor local news reports via battery operated radio, TV, social media, and cell phone text alerts for emergency information and instructions.

Be prepared to “Drop, Cover, and Hold on” in the likely event of aftershocks.


• When the shaking stops, look around. If the building is damaged and there is a clear path to safety, leave the building and go to an open space away from damaged areas

• Be prepared to “Drop, Cover, and Hold on” in the likely event of aftershocks;

• Check for small fires and extinguish them;

• Get away from the beaches;

• Release the animals;

• Check for injuries and provide assistance if you have training. Do not remove injured persons with fractures unless there is a danger of fire, flood or collapse;

• Turn on the radio and be aware of the broadcast instructions;

• Do not use the phone except in case of extreme urgency;

• If you are trapped, do not move about or kick up dust;

• If you are near the coast, learn about tsunamis in your area. If you are in an area that may have tsunamis, when the shaking stops, walk inland and to higher ground immediately. Monitor official reports for more information on the area’s tsunami evacuation plans;

• Wear protective clothing, including a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, work gloves, and sturdy, thick-soled shoes during clean-up;


1- Go out carefully of the building and stay far away of anything that can collapse

2- Don’t telephone in order to not disrupt the communication network

3- Don’t take the lift

4- Don’t smoke don’t provoke flames or sparks

5- Don’t isolate yourself

6- Only take your essentials


After the earthquake: - Check if you are injured or there are injured persons in the area. Manage first aid. - Do not use the phone unless you want to announce a major emergency. - Wear robust clothing to protect you from debris or broken glass. - Check your house to see if it has any damage. If you feel the home is not safe, go out and do not go inside. - Do not ignite matches, do not use switches until you make sure there are no leaks. - If you have tap water right after the earthquake, fill the bathtub with water and any other containers. - Listen to official radio ads. - Do not use the vehicle except in major emergencies. Keep the free roads for ambulances and firefighters. - if you are in the car and around it have fallen electricity cables from the poles, not descended from the car. Expect to be saved. - Stay 10 m away from the cables fallen from the poles. - If you have pets look for them and make sure they are not injured.
