Section outline


    According to recent researches it is very likely that human activities will impact future catastrophes, like earthquakes, storms, floods, landslides, also because population growth and urbanization make communities much more vulnerable to natural hazards. Moreover, hazard-related losses can cause migration and contribute to worsen the related problems.

    At the same time, the interest in disaster education has grown rapidly. Several studies confirm that effective results can be obtained in this field by combining direct experience, observation, discovery and action, so disaster and risk education should be part of the national schools curricula and be included in several school subjects.  So we planned the eTwinning-Erasmus+ project eHAND (Effects of Human Activities on Natural Disasters) involving 7 partners from Italy, Estonia, Greece, France, Romania, Portugal and Turkey. The project lasts for 3 years and aims at arming our students with the necessary skills to be future "Good citizens" focusing sharply on more complex social issues, such as the links between environmental quality, human equality, human rights and peace and on the critical role of science in understanding and mitigating the effects of extreme events.

    In this platform you can find resources about topics related to the Sustainable Development. and other detailed information on our Twinspace.

  • This section contains a set of activities targeted at advancing learning about the Earth’s climate breaking down complex phenomena into exercises and experiments to highlight specific aspects of climate change  and its consequences.

    Each activity emphasizes a part of a sequence of topics concerning the climatic system of the Earth and it is possible to use our activities sequentially or independently of each other.

  • This section contains a set of activities targeted at advancing learning about the Earth’s geological and geophysical properties as well as activities related to the problem of induceded Earthquakes.

    It is possible to use our activities sequentially or independently of each other.

    Have a look at our proposal and at our guidelines for teachers.

  • In this section you can find essays about different topics

    • The most important disasters in the European history

    •  Natural and induced disasters in our Countries

  • This section contains presentations and resources  about different topics

  • This section contains a collection of CLIL lessons about the topics

  • Some lessons about natural disasters