
Earthquakes safety

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Modified: 17 April 2018, 8:02 AM   User: Berkay Gökgöz  → BG

What to do Before the Earthquake

• You will not have time to think during the earthquake! Plan ahead! • Stop thinking “it won't happen to me.” • Do not postpone preparations.

  • Apply precautions for earthquake injuries. (Film coating against glass breaking, fixing or replacing the furniture that can fall, decoration change..vs)
  • Put a flashlight, shoes and water near your bed
  • After the earthquake, prepare a disaster bag to make life easier.• Make a communication plan with your relatives in other cities to communicate and meet with your relatives.• At home and at work, keep a flashlight, a light, a fire tube, a first aid kit.


Do it:

• Stay calm.

  • Warn people around you. (Don't use a sound tone in panic)

• Do not change your location until the shaking stops.

• Take the position of the fetus.

(Fetal position: head, neck and internal organs to protect and to observe the dangers that may come from above lying on the side of the knee to the abdomen is the position of protection.)

They will not be done

• Don't panic. Don't freeze.

• Do not jump from Windows.

  • Do not scream while warning other people • Don't infect other people with fear.

• Do not run and try to escape.

• Do not use stairs.

• Do not use elevators.

• Do not use electric buttons, lighter, candle, matches.

• Do not go to balconies.

If you are in places where the human communities are located, do not panic by engaging in instinctive behavior.


• Calm down – don't panic. Do not endanger yourself and your family.

• Check your own status. Check the injuries in your body with your hands.

• Wear your shoes.

• Check your relatives. Don't move heavily wounded people.

  • Evacuate the building with care and attention to the aftershocks.