Opzioni di iscrizione


Subject(s) involved

Religious studies; history

Number of lessons



Teaching aims


·         To practise skills linked to religious studies

·         to develop learners’ capacity of dialogue, understanding each other, critical sense, respect

·         to develop learners’ vocabulary on the topic of the life, death and miracles of Mary and Jesus

Learning outcomes        

What learners will be able to know by the end of the unit


Learners will be able to know about…

·         to develop and activate new lexis related to the writing style of Bible and Quran;

·         to understand the equality and the difference related to Mary and Jesus between Bible and Quran


What learners will be able to do by the end of the unit


Learners will be able to…

·         have a better relationship with Christians and Muslims

What learners will be able to be aware of by the end of the unit


Learners will be able to be aware of prejudice and intolerance




CLIL theme with possible

crosscurricular links


Roman Empire and Middle Ages period



Language of learning


Vocabulary: religious terms

Structures: present, past and future tenses




Language for learning


Vocabulary: religious terms

Structures: present, past and future tenses





Thinking skills development



To remember

To distinguish

To explain



Awareness of topic relevance to daily life


Ability to use ICT

Ability to cooperate respecting different roles

Ability to ask for help when needed

Ability to respect timesheets

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