Climate change

4.Glacial retreat and Declining sea ice



-understand the ice melting physics,
-understand causes and effects of ice melting
-understand the impact from melting ice in the sea and on land
-understand in principle the difference between the structure of the Arctic and Antarctic


Earth Science, Physics

Students age 

14-18 y


Activity1 (1h) : Introduction to the problem ( pictures and graphs about the glaciers disappereance). Presentation about causes of melting. Focus on the methods of Heat Transfer . The Albedo problem. Essay 
Lab. activity1          Experiments

(1h) : Glaciers and Icebergs melting on the sea level rise. The Big meltdown

Lab. activity2          Experiments    

LESSON2  Land ice vs sea ice

Based on Classroom activity NASA
Lesson plan

Based on Classroom activity ESA
Lesson Plan